Other Dairy Cattle and Heifer Exports
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Other Popular Australian Dairy Heifers
Illawarra Dairy Cattle
This breed of dairy cattle was introduced by an Australian dairymen who used superior bloodlines from a number of dairy breeds, mainly the Ayshire, Devon and Milking Shorthorn.
This extremely hardy breed can stand weather exceeding 40 degrees Celsius and temps dropping below 0 degrees Celsius. The Illawarra also known as the Australian Illawarra Shorthorn (AIS) make the most out of feed and subsequently don’t require much supplementary feeding.
This breed are excellent producers of large quantities of milk with many cows producing in excess of 40 litres per day. With 305 day lactations it is not uncommon to exceed over 15,000 litres. The milk produced by the Illawarra cattle is moderate in fat and high in protein putting it in the best position to meet the growing world demands for protein.
Australian Illawarra Shorthorn dairy cow heifers available for export.

Guernsey Dairy Cattle
The Guernsey cow is known for producing high-butterfat, high-protein milk with a high concentration of beta-carotene. Most dairy producers recognise the profit potential and reduced management costs involved with the Guernsey dairy cow.
This intermediate size cow, consumes approximately 20 to 30 percent less feed per pound of milk compared to larger dairy breeds.
The Guernsey cow is perfect for pasture-based milk production. Due to their their grazing abilities, gentle disposition, calving ease and ability to efficiently produce milk with less feed the Guernsey cow is an ideal candidate for intensive grazing.
- Average age at first calving 24 months
- Average interval between calves 12 months
- Average daily milking volume 22 litres
- Lactation period of 305 days
- Average lactation milking volume 6,710 litres
- Guernsey breed are known for their high rating of A2 genetics
Guernsey dairy cow heifers available for export.

Why Choose Us?
Why Should You Choose Us as Your Australian Dairy Cattle Heifer Exporter?
If you’re looking for Australian dairy heifers, we can help. Orders may be for straight Friesian to Jersey, Illawarra or Guernsey heifers. You will benefit from our extensive, nation-wide supply network and strong vendor relationships, supply-chain infrastructure direct ‘farm to export’ model, using no middlemen. You can read more about transporting livestock here.
Australia’s Livestock Exporters has been involved with the dairy heifer trade for numerous years and we have the capacity and experience to supply world class dairy heifers to your local market. We can export to Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, South East Asia, the Middle East and most other places (provided there are adequate ports to ship and fly into)
Highly experienced in the buying and selling of cattle across the dairy industry, we are confident that we can help you.